Abstract art

Few things can create as dramatic a change in your home as abstract art, and with our abstract posters you can make a personal statement on any wall space. Our range of abstract posters includes everything from famous works of art by great artists, to graphic designs, collages and illustrations in an expressive style. Use our filters to find posters in different colours, formats and themes. If you're not sure what you're looking for, just scroll through our selection until you find a poster you like

Köp abstract posters online

Abstract art has the ability to evoke emotions and give rise to exciting associations and fantasies in the viewer in a way that figurative art cannot. By not leaving anything behind, abstract art does not imitate reality, giving it a unique and timeless expression;


At Posterton we love abstract art and can therefore offer a wide selection of abstract posters and paintings. With stylish abstract posters you can easily add a sophisticated and aesthetic touch to your home. Choose from iconic works by famous artists or newly produced posters with stylish motifs and patterns;

Abstract art by young artists

The discovery that it was possible to paint paintings that had not been painted before was a revolution that changed art forever. For this we have many pioneering artists from the turn of the last century to thank. Today, abstract art is synonymous with modern art and is the dominant art style in painting today;


In our collection of abstract art you will find works such asThe Ten Greatest by Hilma af Klint,Kandinsky's powerful compositions andMondrian's paintings in yellow, red, blue and black. We also have posters inspired by the artistMatisse's collage technique, as well as paintings that could have been created during the heyday of the Bauhaus school. 


You can also find an entry by selecting the art style. We have abstract motifs in techniques such aswatercolourmåleri,graphics and much more. 


Inspired by stylish abstract paintings and posters

An abstract poster is always a good idea, no matter what your home looks like and what style of decor you like. Hang a bold painting in your bedroom, or why not create a personalisedpainting in the living room? Abstract paintings can be matched with anything fromnice photographs to graphic arts. For example, the expressive motif can be displayed next to paintings in similar colours. To make it easy for you, we have created categories based on the poster's colours. You can also use the filters at the top of the page to sort abstract posters by size. As no two posters are alike, we offer all poster designs in many different sizes, fromA4 format (21 x 30 cm) to the large format 50 x 70 cm. 


You haven't missed that we also sell frames?Våra frame available in a variety of materials and sizes. Easily find the right frame for your poster by selecting it from the menu;

Beställ posters with abstract art 

At Posterton, we work hard to produce our range of abstract posters and billboards. The aim is to offer abstract art for all tastes at a price everyone can afford. Our posters are printed on high quality premium paper that is also FSC-certified;

This means that your poster is not only durable and beautifully printed. It is also produced with high quality paper;


If you buy an abstract from us, we will normally send it to you the day after you place your order. This means that you will need to wait 2-3 days to receive your poster;

And should you regret your choice, you always have a 14-day return period.