
Get inspired by our posters and picture walls and give your walls a new flair. Here we have collected tips on trends and styles that will help you find the right posters for you and create the perfect picture wall for your home and your personal taste.

Decorate with abstract art mobile (1).jpg

Trends. Decorate with abstract art

Harmonic Ochra.jpeg

How to. Decorating boho style

natural harmony preview.jpg

Trends. Line Art - an everlasting trend

Black Weekl Gallery Wall 1 (1).jpg

Info. Tips for Black Friday Shopping

Happy Halloween Gallery Wall (1).jpg

Trends. Decoration idea: Harry Potter posters

Autumn Ambience Gallery Wall (1).jpg

How to.  Ideas for a fall themed gallery wall

Frosty Fall Gallery Wall (1).jpg

How to. Ideas for Oktoberfest decoration

Pumpkin Spice Gallery Wall (1).jpg

How to. Halloween decoration with posters

vacation pictures bedroom (1).jpg

How to. Picture wall ideas for summer

midnight gallery wall preview.jpg

Trends. Cheap ways to make your home individual 

blommor alltid preview.jpg

Trends. Flowers always work (as decoration)


Info. Advantages to buy interior online 

Travel Temptations Gallery Wall.jpg

Trends. Decorate trendy with posters


How to. Create a personalized poster wall

Mountain Mist Gallery Wall.jpg

How to. How to decorate your first apartment right.


Trends. The latest trends for wall decoration

botanic bedroom gallery wall.jpg

How to. How to decorate the guest room homely


Trends. Decorate your home office


How to. What colors should your poster wall have?

soft neutrals_italy.jpg

Trends. Italy for home

Planera din tavelvägg _ storleksguide 2.jpg

How to. Plan your poster wall


How to. Paint your frames

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