Galleria Di Diana Poster



This poster is the perfect addition to your home if you appreciate art and want to add a touch of elegance. The photo was taken in the Galleria di Diana, a royal palace near Turin in Italy, and it captures the beauty of the ornate decorations and the light that shines through perfectly. If you are looking for something special to hang on the wall, this is definitely the right one. A beautiful photograph taken in Galleria Di Diana, a royal palace near Turin, Italy. The beautiful adornments and the light streaming in make for a magical scene.

Paper quality

All our Posters are printed on FSC certified matt premium paper of the highest quality, the paper has been chosen by our senior studio team to ensure that the image quality is of the highest class. The paper is age-resistant and your posters are carefully packaged in cardboard tubes with an outer casing so as not to be damaged during shipping. Note that for some posters, there is a white border around the image.


This is Posterton's AR tool which allows you to view and test posters directly in your home. With the help of the mobile camera, a poster can be visualized on your wall. The scale is 1: 1 on the poster in relation to wall surface and furniture, you can easily change the size of the poster by zooming in and out on the poster. You can read what size you want on the poster based on what percentage is displayed.


50x70 cm = 100%
40x50 cm = 85%
30x40 cm = 65%
21x30 cm = 50%
13x18 cm = 30%

*Frame not included